Instructions for Use of Clean Water Solutions
Clean Water Solutions is a product designed to improve water quality, reduce cloudiness, and provide crystal-clear water in your pond. When applying Clean Water Solutions, it is important to aerate your pond. Your filter and UV lamp do not need to be turned off during treatment. To make the cleaning process as effective as possible, a lot of oxygen is a key factor. Your pond will remain cloudy on the first day as the algae break down. After the first 24 hours, you will see an increase in water clarity. Note! Filter the water with a fine filter with cotton or Japanese mat finer than 70 microns. With a filter that is too coarse, your pond will not achieve optimal clarity. Store in a cool, dry place.
The contents of one pot of Clean Water Solutions are intended for a 20,000-liter pond. One scoop (20 grams) is equivalent to 500 liters of water. Dissolve the required amount of product in pond water using a watering can or bucket to distribute it as evenly as possible over the pond.